Requirements for the design of articles:

Articles of scientific and practical value are accepted for printing. The author has the right to submit only one scientific article in one issue, which has not been previously published. The author is responsible for the originality of the text of the article, the accuracy of the given facts, quotes, statistics, proper names, geographical names and other information, as well as for the fact that the materials do not contain data that is not open for publication. The editorial board is not responsible for the information stated in the article. The final decision to publish is made by the editorial board, which also reserves the right to further review, edit and reject the articles.

Technical requirements:

- the article is submitted in Ukrainian, German or English;

- an electronic version of an article in * .doc, * .docx or * .rtf format, prepared in Microsoft Word.

- article size up to 14 pages;

- A4 format at 1.5 intervals;

- Times New Roman font, size 14;

- margins on all sides - 20 mm.

Article structure:

line 1 – UDC (left alignment);

line 2 – the name of the specialty (left-aligned);

line 3 – title of the article (center alignment, bold, capital letters);

line 4 – the name and initials of the author of the article; scientific degree and academic rank (center alignment);

line 5 – place of work (training), email address (center alignment);

paragraph 1 – extended abstract (minimum 300 words) and keywords (minimum 5 words) written in the same language as the entire article;

paragraph 2 –  surname, initials of the author, article title (all capital letters), place of work (study), state, extended abstract (minimum 300 words) and keywords (minimum 5 words) written in English. The English translation must be accurate (not machine-readable). 

Structural elements of the body of the article:

Introduction (statement of the problem in general form and its relation with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest researches and publications, where to indicate the beginning of the solution of the given problem and on which the author bases, and also obligatory selection of unresolved earlier parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted; setting a task (formulating the goals of the article).

Outline of the main research material with justification of scientific results.

Conclusions from this research and prospects for further developments in this area.

The literature is placed after the article in the order mentioned; it is printed at 1.5 spacing, 14 in size, in Times New Roman font and is issued in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard DSTU 8302: 2015.

References to the literature in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [2, p. 25; 5, p. 33], in which the first digit indicates the serial number of the source in the list of references, and the second - the corresponding page in that source; one source (without pages) is separated from the other by a semicolon [3; 4; 6; 8; 12; 15].

At the end а transliterated and translated English version (References), made in accordance with the agreements of the APA (American Psychological Association).

Annex 1

Example of article design

UDC 343.98: 343.61

12.00.09 - criminal proceedings and criminalistics; forensic examination; operative-search activity


Січковська І. В.

 кандидат юридичних наук,

доцент кафедри кримінального процесу та криміналістики

Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ

вул. Городоцька, 26, м. Львів, Україна 

Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Досліджено найбільш поширені класифікації слідчих ситуацій, запропоновані вченими-криміналістами, критерієм розподілів яких є різноманітні підстави. Також запропоновано класифікацію типових слідчих ситуацій, які виникають під час розслідування вбивств. Визначено, що основою класифікації слідчих ситуацій є класифікаційні основи, які утворюються залежно від категорії кримінальної справи, криміналістичної характеристики виду злочину, що повинно бути враховано при розслідуванні злочину та кожній стадії досудового провадження. Зроблено висновок, що всі слідчі ситуації під час розслідування вбивств (у загальному значенні) можна розділити на дві групи: 1) слідчі ситуації «без трупа»; 2) слідчі ситуації «з трупом», які у свою чергу доцільно поділити на слідчі ситуації «з підозрюваним» і «без такого».

Ключові слова: класифікація слідчих ситуацій, слідчі ситуації «з трупом», слідчі ситуації «без трупа», слідчі ситуації «з підозрюваним», слідчі ситуації «без підозрюваного».

(мінімальний обсяг 1800 друкованих знаків).



Sichkovska I. V. 

Candidate of Law,

Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminology

Lviv state university of internal affairs

Horodotska str. 26, Lviv, Ukraine

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Typical investigative situation – a situation that often arises in practice and determines the characteristics of investigation techniques (typical investigative leads, common tasks faced by investigators and the methods and means of solving them).

Success disclosure murder depends on whether you installed all the elements of criminological characteristics of the offense of murder. Elements of forensic characteristics and their reflection in the forensic characterization of a crime are the relationships between them. During the installation of one element may be provided information about another item or multiple items.

Investigation of the situation is individual in each case, as formed by the combination of various components at each stage of the proceedings of the investigation. Given the complexity and structure bahatokomponentnist investigation of the situation, the impact of different objective and subjective factors constant dynamism of the process, the result is a large number of options for investigation of the situation. Of course, all typify investigating the situation impossible, but we will quote the most common classification criterion for the division in which there are different kinds of reasons.

Key words: classification investigative situations, investigating the situation "with a corpse", investigating the situation "without a corpse", investigating the situation "with the suspect", investigating the situation "without a suspect".

(minimum 1800 characters).


A proper assessment of general investigative situations is only possible through a thorough analysis of its elements at each stage of the investigation. The number of elements that determine the individual characteristics of the situation may be different….


1. Малиновський В.Я. Державне управління : навчальний посібник. Вид. 2-ге, доп. та перероб. Київ : Атіка, 2003. с. 576.



1. Malynovskyi V.Ia. (2003) Derzhavne upravlinnia: navchalnyi posibnyk [Public administration: a textbook]. K.: Atika, 2003. [in Ukrainian]